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There is important information and knowledge that all cat lovers and owners should know about the cat food they see and buy from the supermarket. Everyone should know about feeding their cat healthy organic foods, as opposed to commercial cat food.
The Harmful Effects of Commercial Cat Food
Commercial cat food companies are aware that cat owners only want the best for their pets – and they often employ guilt-advertising to encourage them to feed their pets the company brand of ‘specialized’ foods. Many commercial pet food companies and manufacturers have been known to make bold statements such as, “We add fresh sardines for essential oils.” or “Our foods are made only from premium, top-grade meats.”
Difficulty in Establishing Harmful Effects of Commercial Cat Food
It is difficult to truly establish the harmful effects, and how many chemicals, food colorings and other detrimental ingredients are included in the food which commercial companies manufacture, produce and sell to you and me.
Thus, care and education is required regarding the cat foods we buy, so that we can identify those which are detrimental – and steer clear of them if we so wish.
As part of the work I did in writing this book, I came across a website that is most informative, going into detail about “understanding bad pet food ingredients”.
Given the evidence and facts that are out there, most of us would not go anywhere near such food, as shown on that site. If I would not eat food manufactured in this way, I do not think it right that I should feed it to my cat.
The fact is, you can never be fully aware of how many chemicals, food colorings and other harmful ingredients are included. Most of us wouldn’t touch these things ourselves. If you, personally, wouldn’t eat dried or canned cat food, then why would you feed it to your best buddy?
There are many human parents who are aware that feeding some of these artificial food colorings to their children could lead to problems such as Attention Deficit Disorder, hyperactivity and other learning difficulties. So if additives such as the abovementioned will hurt our children, then there is a very great likelihood that the same chemicals will hurt our pets, too.
Another question: If the cat food is so great, why is it necessary to add food colorings and other artificial agents?
I believe it comes down mostly to profit maximization for the commercial players. Packaged or canned cat foods will last for months on the supermarket shelves without expiring, but could well end up making your pet ill at some point. Some of the additives in our pets’ food have carcinogens in them that may, at some point, cause your cat to contract cancer, renal failure, diabetes or other serious health issues.
Think about the ‘premium grade’ labeling for cat food and ask yourself what’s premium about it? Knowing some of the dubious chemicals and added food coloration in the processed food, it makes perfect sense to seriously consider preparing your own cat food from now on. Organic food, with no additives except for the minerals and nutrients recommended in this book will be of utmost benefit in keeping your beloved cat healthy into a ripe old age.
You can make delicious organic foods from chopped chicken, turkey, sardines, beef, salmon, and lamb. Further, there are a number of vegetables and oils you can add to home-prepared foods.
Now, you’re probably saying to yourself, “Wait a minute! This sounds like real food!” Well that’s because it is real food – and your cat can eat a lot of what you would normally prepare for your own meals.
Cats in the wild eat meat, bones and marrowbone. They will also consume certain types of grasses and other wild edible plants – all very natural – just as your cat should be eating…
Real Food for Cats
Domestic cats are natural predators, so they need the same kind of diet their wild cousins normally enjoy. Real food is not only for humans, but for animals too. Our pets should not be reliant on artificial additives, or genetically modified ingredients. Research into the food’s ingredients may prove a very worthwhile exercise. The long term effects of eating commercially manufactured products may lead to deterioration of your cat’s health and protracted illnesses, such as heart and kidney disease.
Dry cat food in particular, can have many harmful effects and some of the more common problems are:
- Hairballs.
- Diabetes.
- Asthma.
- Obesity.
- Dental problems.
- Kidney problems.
- Renal problems.
For Our Convenience – Not Their Health
Most cat owners feed their cat packaged foods because it’s convenient and simple to do so. From the time the cat enters our home, that’s what we tend to do. Unknowingly, we feed them substandard pet foods, thinking we are doing the right thing, and as with humans who prefer non-organic foods, they can get seriously ill.
Are fatty chicken legs just too difficult to cook up and give to our cat? The truth is that your cat very much needs the fats and oils found in fresh meats. Yes, you’ve been working all day and feel exhausted; but your cat still needs to eat a healthy dinner and is totally dependent on you for a good meal.
Commercial Cat Food
If you are concerned about the ingredients found in human food pertaining to genetic alteration, food coloring and preservatives, it is likely you have you may have the same or similar concerns in relation to commercial cat food as invariably the methods and systems used in cat food production are not too dissimilar.
The ideas, foods and preparation methods outlined in this book should enhance your cat’s longevity, and your cat should benefit from a healthier, and consequently from the happiest life you would wish for him or her.
Meat Byproducts in Cat Food
Humans do not eat meat byproducts (or at least they shouldn’t) because these are invariably chicken and animal leftovers such as the heads, beaks, kidneys, feet, entrails, lungs and other parts of the carcass, which are processed and packaged. Meat meals can also include parts of animals similar to road-kill – zoo animals, diseased animals, or even worse, euthanized dogs and cats! Many of the animals used in processing of the byproducts, have serious illnesses like abscesses, ulcerations and cancer. Yes, euthanized cats and dogs may also make up that byproduct your moggy is eating!
The cooking process of this meat can also be hazardous to your cat’s health. Some of the chemicals that are used to euthanize cats and dogs remain in the meat, even at temperatures as high as 270 degrees Fahrenheit.
There are many veterinarians who are aware of the sodium pentobarbital residue in commercial pet foods, yet very little are being done to change this state of affairs. The same drug that is used to kill animals is also being found in manufactured, non-organic pet foods.
Cheap Nutritional Supplements
Dry cat food also has ingredients such as grain meal, preservatives and various other inexpensive nutritional supplements.
These added ingredients can be very harmful to your cat’s health and wellbeing. Some of the nutritional requirements in manufactured foods are way over the acceptable levels for cats.
An overdose of minerals can lead to a trip to the vet. The nutritionals are not organic, but synthetic, which can lead to further deficiencies in your cat’s overall health. And consulting a vet about good pet food alternatives may not be of much help in feeding your cat any better.
Most vets take only one elective class on pet nutrition in Veterinary School. These classes are often taught by people who make the manufactured cat and dog foods. Logic informs me that there would be a high chance of a conflict of interest there, which might go some way to explain what I think is their stance on the matter.
Some of the ingredients listed on the packaging of cat foods are described simply as ‘preservatives’, without going into the specifics of these substances. There are also incidental additives, such as herbicides, pesticides and insecticides. The expense to the manufacturer of genuinely natural or organic products precludes their use, so finding cheap alternatives is considered acceptable. Pet owners may be horrified at discovering the true ingredients in cat food. And yet, their production and usage is perfectly legal . . .
Once you start feeding your cat organic homemade foods, it is doubtful it will eat cat food out of a tin or bag ever again. Your cat will know what real food tastes like and will clamber for more of the same!
Sugar in Cat Food
Another good reason why you should make your own organic cat food is the high sugar levels in commercial alternatives. As with humans, too much sugar can affect the health of your cat too.
The human and animal pancreas produces insulin, maintaining correct sugar levels. But too much sugar in its food will damage the insulin-producing cells of a cat, and it can become diabetic.
Most homemade organic cat food recipes are fairly simple to make, and they don’t require a lot of time to prepare. And you’ll enjoy the peace of mind that what your cat is eating is healthy, nutritious and enjoyable. Plus, in the long term, this will dramatically increase the lifespan of your feline friend.
House bound Cats
If your cat is solely an indoor pet, it is at your mercy when it comes to feeding choices. Actually this could be a huge determining factor in how long your cat lives as a companion and friend. Many cats suffer from renal and diabetic problems when they are fed only packaged diets, so we really need to be aware of their health needs.
Domesticated cat diets should be wholly homemade and organic preparations. Healthy cats can live very long lives. There are some that have lived over a quarter of a century!
Regretfully though, many cats will not live to such an age, due to poor diet and health issues.
Obese and overweight cats tend to also face an increased risk of an earlier death, as the extra stress on their small joints and immune system can cause other health risks, like cancer and diabetes.

Becca The Crazy Cats Lady is an experienced and knoweldgeable cat owner with years of experience caring for a multi-cat household. She curates, writes and shares cat content at https://CrazyCatsLady.com.