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Advertise to Cat Lovers, Cat Ladies and Cat People with Fabulous Options on

Https:// is a uniquely positioned content website for devoted cat owners seeking the best products, accessories, and information for their feline friends. If you want to connect with this passionate demographic and promote goods or services for cats, their owners, or even cat-themed gifts, please consider advertising with us.

We offer a wide range of advertising options designed to maximize your exposure to cat lovers. As a niche website focused solely on cats, we can provide highly targeted promotion opportunities.

Targeted Cat-Owning Audience: Our readers are primarily women who own or care for cats. They range from young professionals to retirees, but all share a devotion to their cats. By advertising on our site, you can introduce your brand directly to cat owners and those buying gifts for feline fans.

Diverse Advertising Formats: Choose from text links, image ads, banner ads, sponsored posts, product reviews, directory listings, and more. We’ll strategically place your ad next to relevant content to capture attention.

Customized Packages: We’ll tailor a package to match your budget and goals. Short-term campaigns or long-term brand-building – we’ll create a combo of placements like:

  • Featured reviews of cat products/services
  • Discreet affiliate links leading to your cat-related offerings
  • Sidebar ads next to popular articles
  • Inclusion in our directories (vets, shelters, pet sitters, etc.)

Growing Cat-Crazy Community: As a niche site for devoted cat lovers, our audience is passionate and engaged. Take advantage of our affordable introductory rates before we increase prices to match future growth.

Sponsorships Too: We offer multi-channel sponsorships with extended exposure benefits like custom content, co-branded cat accessories giveaways, and other creative promotions that our cat-adoring readers will eat up.

Contact Us Today!

To discuss advertising rates and options tailored for the cat-loving demographic, email [email protected]. We’re picky about approving ads, as we aim to delight our audience with relevant recommendations – but we still have fabulous opportunities to help you thrive by reaching cat owners. Let’s connect!

Why Advertise to Cat Lovers?

Here’s why this demographic represents strong potential:

Pet Spending is Big Business: Americans spent $103.6 billion on their pets in 2020 alone. Cats represent around 42% of US pet ownership. Cat owners are devoted to pampering their feline companions.

Cat Owners are Predominantly Women: Approximately 79% of cat owners in the US are female. Women still make the majority of household purchasing choices. Advertising cat products to female cat lovers allows you to target this buying power.

Cat Owners are Willing to Splurge on Their Cats: From fancy breeds to luxury accessories, cat owners demonstrate their devotion through spending. They invest seriously in high-quality cat food, veterinary care, toys, furniture, and more.

Cat Lovers are a Passionate Niche: While dog owners may outnumber cat owners, cat lovers are fiercely loyal to their feline friends. They enthusiastically embrace brands that cater to cat needs and “crazy cat lady/guy” gift ideas.

Pet Industries See Consistent Growth: As millennials delay children and treat pets like kids, the pet market continues expanding. Cat care products, services, medications and more present lucrative advertising possibilities.

The Cat Demo Offers Unique targeting: By zeroing in on specialized cat websites, advertisers can connect directly with devoted cat owners interested in products for the felines they treat like family.

Please consider joining us to showcase your cat-related product or service. Talk soon!