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Crazy Cat Videos

From the Classic Crazy Cat Lady Dancing to Caring Cat Care…My Videos Go From Cringe-y to Crazy to Sensible and Everything Catty in Between.

Well hello my fabulous felines and fellow cat lovers! It’s me, your caring crazy cats lady ready to share some pawesome videos all about my frisky furballs also known as my cat crew. Being a slave, I mean devoted owner, to all these fabulous kitties, I’ve picked up quite a few tricks of cat ownership through much trial and error (mostly error, if I’m being honest!).

From litter training (almost never needed; they just know…) to nail trimming (get professional help when they don’t cooperate)… to understanding the meaning of their various meows, I’ll eventually offer a host of helpful videos detailing everything you could ever want to know about properly caring for your cats.

Please be patient as I add more content! It’s not easy corralling my video kitties for close-ups, interviews, and they’ve formed a union focused on eating succulent canned food every four hours during video shooting days.

You’ll also find some entertainment with clips of the silly, sweet or unsavory shenanigans from my own pride of joy…from sweet Jasmine, my CH kitty (Cerebellar Hypoplasia aka “Wobbly Cat” syndrome) to Naughty Nala…(and the rest of the gang around here)! So curl up with your own cat companion and enjoy this curated collection of cat crazy and cat info videos!