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Cats are what are called an obligate carnivore. Obligate carnivores are animals that require meat as the majority of their diet. You cannot simply turn a cat out into a pasture to graze as you would a cow or a horse.
The digestive tract of a cat is much shorter and completely optimized for processing meat proteins only. On top of not having the required digestive properties to process vegetables and other plant materials, they also do not have the dental capacity.
Why cats chew on plants
Due to these facts above, it may surprise you to see a cat nibbling on grass and other green stuffs on a rather regular basis.
Many theories have been placed out in the open for why cats feel the need to chew plants even though they are true carnivores. It is possible that the diet they are being fed lacks in certain vitamins and minerals that the plants they choose to chew on provide, some even believe that cats gnaw on plant stuffs to calm the tummy when it is having digestion issues.
It is even possible that the answer is as simple as the cat simply enjoys the taste of grass. Perhaps there is actually a combination of factors which are guilty for this action. Currently, there is no true answer.
Nutritious Cat Food for Optimal Health
Luckily for us it is not required that we go into the wild and hunt for the food our cats need to survive. All one simply has to do in today’s world is make a trip to the nearest pet store or supermarket and pick up a bag of nutritionally balanced cat food, there is even a wide variety to pick and choose from.
Try to be a bit picky about what you feed your cat off the shelf, pick a bit more expensive higher quality food. This can really make a big difference in your cat’s overall appearance and health.
When you find one that your cat enjoys, keep purchasing it. It is not required that you change up your cat’s food at all, they do not need a lot of variety in their diet as long as all their nutrition requirements are being met. Changing up a feline’s food all the time tends to make them very picky eaters.
Choosing the Right Cat Food for Different Sizes and Ages
The nutrition requirements of your cat will be different for different sizes and ages. What a cat requires as a kitten is quite different from their needs as a mature cat. This means that you should always be careful to follow the instructions provided on the bag of cat food for optimal feeding habits.
Generally, an adult cat requires approximately one cup of food in a day. If at all possible feed your cats at the same time every day and place their bowls in a low traffic location in your home. It is difficult for anyone to eat when they are being stepped over and tripped on because they are inconveniently located in front of the kitchen sink.
Feeding your cat human food
It is best to simply not feed your cat any human food. Many things that we consume such as chocolate or liver that we might toss them raw scraps of are actually highly toxic to a cat.
Other human foods cause tummy aches. Cooked meat is fine just remember to remove all bones before allowing your cat. In particularly pork and poultry bones are prone to easy splintering and could cause harm to your cat.
Changing a cat’s food
If the need arises that you change your cat’s food do so in a gradual manner. Changing from one food to another during a whole week will prevent digestive problems from a sudden diet change.
There are a couple of reasons to switch your cat’s food, for example the store you purchase your cat food at could stop carrying your preferred brand, or maybe your kitten has grown into an adult cat. Your cat will be quite grateful of a slow changeover.
Feeding Your Cat: Dos and Don’ts
Naturally food is one of a cat’s most basic needs and must be provided by the owner. Most people who own, or have ever owned, a cat concur that this is probably the most important need your cat has. They also agree that the type of food you feed them should be reflective upon the nutritional value in the food being considered.
Provide High Quality Nutrition to Keep Illnesses at Bay
We must provide our cats with the highest quality food possible for your cat that still meets their age appropriate nutrition needs to keep as many illnesses as possible at bay.
There are certain guidelines that should be followed such as not allowing him to run out of water and providing your cat with a well-balanced diet.
What are some other things to remember?
Below are some tips to help avoid the inappropriate feeding of cats which is so very common.
Avoid Foods with By-Products and Added Sugars
Your cat should never be fed foods and meals that contain by-products.
These are usually listed as: animal digest, meat and/or bone meal, digest, and meal in the ingredients list on the can or bag you purchase or look at in the store. Often times they are close to the top of the list.
You should also keep an eye out for added sugars, that and the above listed ingredients are not particularly good for your cat and their body has no use for them.
Other Tips
- Stay away from any cat food that lists corn meal in the ingredients; this is used as a filler.
- Any other foods with listings of over fifty percent carbohydrates should also be avoided as this is another type of filler ingredient.
- Of course, overly preserved foods are very highly-discouraged by any professional and responsible cat owner.
These are excellent tips for any new owner that is concerned about the welfare of their cat, and even more experienced owners who have always had a difficult time discerning what foods are healthy and those that are not.
What exactly is good for Cats?
You should always be aware of the basic needs of your cat in reference to nutrition. Of course water is at the top of this list, but they also require proteins from a fish, poultry, or other meat source every day. Taurine is an essential amino acid required by cats. Not to mention several other common vitamins, enzymes, fatty acids, and minerals.
Do cats require carbohydrates?
They do require some, but not anywhere as many as we do. Carbohydrate fillers are always going to be present in any wet canned cat food, but you should check to be certain there is not more than fifty percent. If in doubt, do not purchase the food.
A good tip to remember is to vary your cat’s food choice on occasion due to the fact that cats actually get bored of eating the same thing all the time. This can cause a loss of appetite which will decrease the amount of nutrition your animal is receiving. This in turn lowers the overall health of your cat.
Hopefully the above tips and suggestions will make you capable of noting the important actions you should take to make sure you make the best available diet choices for your cat. Every cat deserves for their owner to take time to choose the proper food for their needs.
Enjoy having and raising your pets to be as happy and healthy as they can be. Your cat relies on you for their day to day needs to be met. Enjoy a long time with your cat by providing them with only the highest quality food. Remember this means as little carbohydrate filler as possible.

Becca The Crazy Cats Lady is an experienced and knoweldgeable cat owner with years of experience caring for a multi-cat household. She curates, writes and shares cat content at https://CrazyCatsLady.com.